The encounter with the Total Quality philosophy and the self-training path have been the most significant cornerstones of knowledge in my adult life, as they have positively influenced my vision of myself in relation to others. I spent all my energy on training processes in the company, aimed at enhancing know-how and expertise, giving rise to procedures and qualitative processes in the company. This opened up the vision that training is the only way to build the ability to face, rework and determine the evolutionary steps of a business community. Relationships become mirrors of our masks and allow us to trace those wounded personal worlds that everyone has and reclaim them, in order to be able to face the activities of our lives in a serene, conscious way, and to live out our goals and even our dreams. From this competence exercised for forty years I have built a training method that I called Educandosi-Educare and which today has become an Academy and a brand.
Books on educational and training processes and courses:
Books on educational-training processes represent for me the professional joy of leaving traces of the experiences lived, exciting and vitalizing.
They are the cultural place where I can convey intuitions and experiences to share. They are the result of educational processes over time elaborated and concretized to activate self-formative relationships. The specialized books on creativity and the philosophy of Total Quality were the texts that allowed me to express a professional competence animated by my passions and multiple interests.
A fundamental aspect of caring for relationships is writing letters with the intention of honoring relationships in all the various situations of life.
I love to dedicate time to listening to the experience and making it meaningful, pregnant with joy, pain, educational firmness, orientation, affection.
Leaving a trace of respect and meaning taken away from time that has become precious for everyone, perhaps a gift in precious time.

“Il percorso strategico creativo”
Performance! Umanità e competenza
Fare della propria vita un’Avventura straordinaria o costruire la propria “leggenda personale” è anche questione di saper lasciare volare il cuore ed osare ad immaginare qualche cosa di straordinario che possiamo regalarci, ovviamente, impegnandoci!
“Sulla via creativa”
…il senso del titolo educandosi-educare. Questo enunciato è la vera scoperta di un’evoluzione rispetto alla definizione: educarsi ed educare. In questa formula, infatti, esiste una scissione tra l’atto riflessivo nel momento dell’auto-educazione e la realtà vissuta, mentre con l’espressione “educandosi-educare”, l’educatore è tenuto ad essere presente in se stesso mentre vive la relazione con gli altri ed è impegnato in un’attività…